Welcome to Ev|Lynxis' Blue Moon.
A website dedicated to good, tasteful, erotic fiction, be it fan or original.

Disclaimer 1: The content of this website may not be suitable for certain people. If it is illegal for you, in the country you are currently in to read fictional material containing descriptive sex of any sort and descriptive violence and generally things pertaining to such, please don't bother entering this website. I also encourage you to leave if you feel things like your religion or social position also demand that you do not read/see the material described above, then you should leave as well.

Disclaimer 2: Many, but not all, of the stories contained in this website are fan based. This means fans may have taken the characters, world, and/or universe of someone elses copyrighted material and used them in their own stories. If you are a laywer or legal agent of any sort, I advise you not to enter this website with the intent to sue/shut down me, the webmaster, any of the authors or the webhosting service we are using. I, nor any of the other fan fiction authors likely have any money you could extort from us anyways. We are just fans, showing our appreciation of other peoples copyrighted work by creating stories around and involving said copyrighted work.

If you understand and agree to the terms established by reading the disclaimers written here then you may continue.

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